
Showing posts from February, 2018

Energy Clearing / Despejar Energias Negativa

How can we release and clear ourselves of negative energy? Here are my top 5 ways to quickly and easily clear your personal energy: Smudge yourself with White Sage. Native Americans use this sacred herb to cleanse and purify themselves and during ritual, among other herbs. It is wonderful for house. It’s like the general all-purpose quicker picker-upper for the Spirit. Just like you’d sage/smudge your living space, so too, is it necessary to smudge yourself to clear out energy that doesn’t belong to you. After lighting a White Sage wand on one end, or burning White Sage leaves in an abalone shell or otherwise flame-resistant container, waft the smoke with your hands over your limbs, and over your entire body, down your midline, and from head to toe. As you do so, say, “I bless my arms, I bless my neck, I bless my chest, etc.” You can also generally say, while wafting the smoke onto you, “I clear myself of all energy that doesn’t belong to me.” Make sure to clear the back of...

Negative Energy ~ Ernegia Negativa ( Spanish and English )

What are some of the ways we can tell if we’ve absorbed negative energy? ·        We are irritable and deeply angry, even though we have no physical, biological, or reasonable cause to be. ·        Our bodies just don’t feel well. This can show up for some as body aches and pains that are not caused by physical trauma, or fatigue that does not have a physical cause. However, it’s also important to note that sometimes we hold pain in a certain area of our body when we onto negative emotions and thought patterns, as well. ·        We react in ways that are unlike us, particularly in a negative way. ·        It is hard for us to be in our joy, even though we may have reason to be joyful. ·        If it’s been for a long time, we turn the anger inward, which turns into depression and disconnection from the heart. Fo...

Energetic Clearing ~ Clearing Energy In Your Home

Clearing Energy In Your Home Do you ever feel restless, irritated, or uncomfortable in your home, office, or in any other space? You may be tapping into stagnant, blocked or negative energy. Energetic residue from other people, even when not inadvertently negative, can have an adverse affect on your energy and vibration as well. Clearing spaces is helpful in response to a variety of situations. It is especially useful if you've just moved into a new home, staying in a hotel, you're recovering from an illness, if you are currently feeling poorly, or you're getting over a relationship break up. Energy clearing is a great way to release the past, and what has been, to make way for fresh and positive energy to flow into your space, and into your life. Just like how energy in your body can get stuck, energy in your home can too.   Both positive and negative energies enter your home regularly.   Sometimes you bring energy home with you, sometimes it comes fr...


DIFERENTES RAMAS DE SANTO CONOCIDAS EN CUBA: Las Tortilleras. (Adoradores de Inle y Agbata) Los Ewin Yimí. (Creada por Andrea Trujillo - Ewin Yimi) Los Culos Verdes. (Los culo verde, fueron asi nombrados porque Polo Gonzalez - Oshaweye que era de la rama de la Pimienta y ademas Oriate, comenzo a coronar personas que eran gays durante la decada de 1940, un periodo de mucho conservacionismo en Cub a, por tanto en forma de mofa comenzaron a llamar a Polo y sus ahijados Los Culo Verde. Muchos de los Culo Verde dicen que son Pimienta, lo que tambien es cierto ya que son una sub-rama de la Pimienta creada por Pata de Palo Urquiola, un famoso descendiente de la sub-rama de los Culo Verde es el famoso apwon Lazaro Ross omo Oggun.) Los Trapitos. Su principal precursora Aurora Lamar - Oba Tolá, quizas la mas prolifica Olorisha de Cuba. Los Mantones y Corales (Creada por Susana Cantero - Omi Toke (descendiente de Ewin Yimi) Tenía muchas ahijadas mulatas bonitas y presumidas, que eran de l...

Spiritual Readings ~ Spiritual Guidance~ Energetic / Chakra Clearing

Orisha Reading Spiritual Readings ~ Spiritual Guidance~ Energetic / Chakra Clearing Our Service: Before reviewing these "types of readings", please try to be tension free and relaxed prior to your reading. I'm relying on your thoughts to be alert and as stress free if possible. Also, if at all possible please refrain from any alcohol or drugs that may cause you drowsiness or disorientation. Basically we both need to be alert, relaxed and tension free as much as possible. This way we'll be able to increase our spiritual vibration which will help your reading tremendously.    Lastly, if your reading should include a general reading which most of my readings do (highly recommended),   it's typical for it to sound general or even generic at first.   There are many reasons for this some of which pertain to your level of faith and/or differences in our personalities which could impact how we connect.   If that's the case I ask for patience as ...

Espectro Espiritual - Consultas Espirituales, Tratamientos Energéticos y mas

Cartas  Españolas Orisha Tarot Cards  Tratamientos Energeticos Espectro Espiritual es una consulta que ofrece servicios espirituales incluyendo Consultas Espirituales de Tarot y Tratamientos Energéticos. Consultas Espirituales de Tarot: A través de predicciones de las cartas del Tarot y Videncia, nuestro misión es poder ayudarte encontrar soluciónes a tus problemas, lograr tus objetivos y mejorar tu vida. Ofrecemos este servicio por teléfono, el internet o en persona en nuestro oficina. Tratamientos Energéticos: alivian el estrés, ansiedad, emociones negativos y bagaje emocional.   Ofrecemos este servicio en persona solamente en nuestro oficina. Para más información contactenos a :

La Boveda ~ The Spiritual Table ( SPANISH VERSION ONLY )

ALERT: The English Version is posted on a separate Blog. La mesa espiritual ~ The Spiritual Table Artículo: Español e inglés Tengo mi mesa espiritual (boveda) ¿y ahora qué? Tengo mi mesa espiritual (boveda) y no siento nada. A lo largo de los años son las mismas preguntas que me plantean una y otra vez. He sido un espiritista desde una edad joven. He estado trabajando con mi espíritu/antepasados mucho antes de que se inició en el Regla de OSHA (Santería). Años atrás, se entendía la Lucumí la gente dice Ikú Lobi OCHA: los muertos dan a luz a la Orishás. Esto significa que sin la Egun, no seríamos capaces de interactuar con el Orishás. Son nuestros intermediarios, y a menos que den su permiso, el Orishás no nos hablará. Por eso Santeros/as llamada en Egun para la guía. Aunque esto es cierto hoy en día, Ikú Lobi OCHA, no tomamos el tiempo ni permitimos que cada individuo evolucione verdaderamente en el reino espiritual (Desarollo Espiritual). Así ...

The Spiritual Table ~ La Boveda ( ENGLISH ONLY )

ALERT: THE SPANISH VERSION IS ON A SEPARATE  BLOG The Spiritual Table ~ La Boveda Article:  Spanish and English  I have my spiritual table (boveda) set up and now what? I have my spiritual table (boveda) and I feel nothing. Over the years these are the same questions posed to me again and again. I have been a spiritualist since a young age. I have been working with my spirits/ancestors way before I was initiated into the Regla de Osha (Santeria). Years ago, it was understood the Lucumí people say ikú lobi ocha: the dead give birth to the Orishás. This means that without the egun, we wouldn't be able to interact with the Orishás. They're our intermediaries, and unless they give their permission, the Orishás won't talk to us. This is why Santeros/as call on egun for guidance. Although this is true today, ikú lobi ocha, we do not take the time or allow each individual to truly evolve in the spiritual realm (Desarollo Espiritual). So when I hear the que...

Collection of Selected Prayers - English Prayers

Collection of Selected Prayers Original by:         Allen Kardec For those individuals that do not speak Spanish, this book is a better translation of the original English version. The prayers are more coherent and show no errors in translation and/or typos. For those individuals that are beginning to discover or working with your Spiritual Table ( BOVEDA ), the following prayers will help you seek that prayer/communication with your spiritual table (boveda). PAGE PRAYER 14 ACT OF CONTRITION 14 PRAYER TO THE GOOD SPIRITS 15 PRAYER FOR EVERYDAY 22 PRAYER FOR THE MEDIUM 23 PRAYER FOR THE GUARDIAN ANGELS AND SPIRITUAL PROTECTORS 29 PRAYER TO REQUEST COUNSEL/ADVICE 37 PRAYER TO DISTANCE NEGATIVE SPIRITS 37 PRAYER BEFORE SLEEP 63 FAITH / HOPE / CHARITY 87 THE CREED OF THE SPIRITUALIST The...