Energy Clearing / Despejar Energias Negativa

How can we release and clear ourselves of negative energy? Here are my top 5 ways to quickly and easily clear your personal energy: Smudge yourself with White Sage. Native Americans use this sacred herb to cleanse and purify themselves and during ritual, among other herbs. It is wonderful for house. It’s like the general all-purpose quicker picker-upper for the Spirit. Just like you’d sage/smudge your living space, so too, is it necessary to smudge yourself to clear out energy that doesn’t belong to you. After lighting a White Sage wand on one end, or burning White Sage leaves in an abalone shell or otherwise flame-resistant container, waft the smoke with your hands over your limbs, and over your entire body, down your midline, and from head to toe. As you do so, say, “I bless my arms, I bless my neck, I bless my chest, etc.” You can also generally say, while wafting the smoke onto you, “I clear myself of all energy that doesn’t belong to me.” Make sure to clear the back of...