The Spiritual Table ~ La Boveda ( ENGLISH ONLY )


The Spiritual Table ~ La Boveda
Article:  Spanish and English 

I have my spiritual table (boveda) set up and now what? I have my spiritual table (boveda) and I feel nothing. Over the years these are the same questions posed to me again and again. I have been a spiritualist since a young age. I have been working with my spirits/ancestors way before I was initiated into the Regla de Osha (Santeria).

Years ago, it was understood the Lucumí people say ikú lobi ocha: the dead give birth to the Orishás. This means that without the egun, we wouldn't be able to interact with the Orishás. They're our intermediaries, and unless they give their permission, the Orishás won't talk to us. This is why Santeros/as call on egun for guidance. Although this is true today, ikú lobi ocha, we do not take the time or allow each individual to truly evolve in the spiritual realm (Desarollo Espiritual).

So when I hear the questions:
·       How to set up my boveda?
·       How do I communicate with my spirits?
·       How do I attend to my boveda?

I am not surprised or astonished anymore. Much has been said and/or written regarding how to place/set up the Spiritual Table (Boveda) , that I will not go into the subject. However, should you have any questions, I will be more than glad to address. Please feel free to contact me:     or 305-975-1171

The area I would like to address is one of great importance, yet the one area that we overlook. So when someone tells me I do not see or feel anything, the first I do is: Analyze your Inner Soul/ Your Inner You

Every day, you probably take a shower, eat and go to the bathroom. If you don’t you feel “icky”. And so these things are important.

What most of us were never taught, but have probably felt, is that we also feel “icky” when we’re holding other people’s energy. We feel lost when we scatter ourselves too thin. The spiritual energy is real and we need to deal with it just like changing the oil in our cars.

So, I’ve been doing a certain type of meditation where I clear and replenish my energy, and use visualizations to create my day. To me, skipping my daily meditation and/or attending to my boveda is like going hungry without showering. Not interested!

A majority of times what I have discovered when speaking / analyzing the individual, is that there are blockage within one’s inner self. To understand this concept, for those individuals that are initiated in Lukumi , La Regla De Osha,  when Obi is presented to you, the process of presenting the Obi to different parts of the body is to RECOGNIZE / PAY HOMAGE to the various entities that live within us.

Very important that you understand… WE do not present Obi to the various points just because….

If we look at our Spinal Cord, we will realize the Spinal Cord is a path North to South, head to feet, or Crown to Root.

Therefore, when someone tells me, they do not feel or sense any activity with the spiritual table (boveda) or feel their spirits, then; Consciousness and energy move from one frequency to another in spiraling fashion. The body has energy centers that look like spinning wheels and are called Chakras. They allow energy to flow from one part of the body to another.

We must fully understand the flow of energy within our self. Our energies do need spiritual clearing and/or spiritual healing.  Just as your car runs better after the oil change… so will your energy move from one frequency to another in spiraling fashion.

Now, that we have addressed a possible cause for the blockage or the lack of any feelings when we work with the spiritual table ( boveda ), what can be done? A spiritual clearing and/or a spiritual healing needs to take place.

For more details , please feel free to contact us:

Paul ( Omo Obatala )



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