Spiritual Readings ~ Spiritual Guidance~ Energetic / Chakra Clearing

Orisha Reading

Spiritual Readings ~ Spiritual Guidance~ Energetic / Chakra Clearing

Our Service:

Before reviewing these "types of readings", please try to be tension free and relaxed prior to your reading. I'm relying on your thoughts to be alert and as stress free if possible. Also, if at all possible please refrain from any alcohol or drugs that may cause you drowsiness or disorientation. Basically we both need to be alert, relaxed and tension free as much as possible. This way we'll be able to increase our spiritual vibration which will help your reading tremendously.   Lastly, if your reading should include a general reading which most of my readings do (highly recommended),  it's typical for it to sound general or even generic at first.  There are many reasons for this some of which pertain to your level of faith and/or differences in our personalities which could impact how we connect.  If that's the case I ask for patience as readings, despite what may appear to be obtacles to readings, usually just impacts the timeliness of spiritual revelations which subsequently do end up making more sense or understable as time goes on during the reading session.  Therefore this is what you need to expect or be aware of.   Though each reading I do is unique and different in some ways, they all usually normally begin this way then typically starts to unveil what you need to hear at that point in time:

1. General Spiritual Reading -- Covers 'The Situation At Hand', 'Your subsconcious', 'Immediate Past', 'Your present approach', 'Near Future', 'Spirit's Suggested Approach', 'Your environment',  'Hopes & Fears OR Hidden Influences', and ' Present Outcome'.   **** I mainly use this reading to validate many things to help start off the reading:  It helps me see how or if we're even connecting.  This is essential to know early on so I can ask our guides to help with that--just need to switch gears so to speak and move on but with the help of guides.  Also this reading will help us see if you're on the right path--meaning is your current approach similar or matches what Spirit suggests your approach should be--if not you'll have the option to adjust your path especially if the current outcome is not a desired one for you, etc.   Also, with this reading, each area above can be expanded with more detailed readings (just as).  You also have the option to ask prediction-based questions at anytime though I suggest waiting until the general reading ends but sometimes, depending on the reading, it may be ok to do so.  We can both decide at the point.
2.  Relationship Analysis Reading -- Starts off with a brief 'general reading' to establish spiritual connection with my client, then I proceed to cover the following: 'How you see yourself in the relationship', 'How your partner sees him- or herself in the relationship', 'How you see your partner in this relationship', 'How your partner sees you in this relationship', 'How you feel about your partner', 'How your partner feels about you', and lastly 'What is blocking your relationship' followed by prediction-based responses to questions (with general time frames only).  WORD OF CAUTION with this type of reading--> in case your reading shows that your 'special someone' or partner or ex-partner have or still have some feelings for you and/or desires you or reveal some sexual chemistry between the two of you DOES NOT necessarily mean and/or guarantee that he or she will choose you or go back to you.  So don't be surprised if any of these feelings/attraction/chemistry show up on your reading and later learned that all that they want is either friendship or simply nothing at all.   Reasons vary depending on each person or persons or situations as to why one would 'deny' these feelings.  We'll simply rely on what Spirit will reveal to us for the highest good.
3.  Career Reading -- Covers "Where are you now", "What motivates your career concerns", "Long term goals that need to be fulfilled", "Personal strengths/hidden talents", "Challenges/Obstacles to your goals", "Best approach towards your goals", "Hidden aspects to be aware about", "What to expect within 6 months regarding choices & influences to expect", and "Summation Overview of the reading" - followed by (if time permitted) prediction-based responses to questions (with general time frames only).
4.  Guardian Angel Spread -- Covers (if any) the following: (1) how your relationship is or can be with your angel guide or angel guides, (2) how you can improve or establish this relationship, (3) how does your angel guide(s) try to help you? (4) what you need to know at this point, and (5) how can you notice if my guardian angel(s) is/are near me?
Purify its surrounding my removing all negativity and/or any unwanted spirits. Saging or 'smudging' will restore your environment back to you filled with Light and positivity.  Saging your house is also known as smudging. Its roots are in Native American cultures and traditions. It is a ritualistic way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. The theory behind smudging is that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, and then Mother Earth reabsorbs the negative energy and filters it herself. Before you begin to sage, you want to set your intention. Why do you want to do this? Why are you feeling the need to do this? Ask for help from the highest spiritually beings from the white side that YOU believe in. Ask for 4 guardian Angels to be placed on the 4 extreme corners of you property and ask them to hold a big WHITE sheet, veil, canopy or balloon. It doesn’t matter as long as it is white and round. Do this for your home and each room. Fill your home with as many Angels as you would like.
 6.  REIKI HEALING (This service paves the way towards healing and a supplement to existing medical treatments -.it does NOT replace them).   This service includes a total body healing process, from head to toe (15 minutes worth), includes removal of any negative attachments like unwanted negative energy of all sorts like spirits and residual energy from negative people.  We will also include covering any ailment or illnesses that you may have.   This process uses the 'light' (typically from spiritually 'blessed' white candle), 'burning white sage', 'the shaking of various healing stones' and 'sound from a tibetan wound bowl' (in turn) along with a meditative visualization process.
7. CURSE OR HEX REMOVAL --  A CURSE or HEX often occurs all around the world and for thousands of years.  Curses or Hex  are placed upon people with the intention of harming them. The misfortune intended by curses can range from illness, and harm, to even death. Curses are declared to be the most dreaded form of magic, often called black magic, and are believed to be universally used. The principle purposes for them to be "laid" or "thrown" are for revenge, and also for protection of homes, treasures and grave sites. Curses can become effective immediately or may be dormant for years. Curses laid on families have been known to have plagued them for generations. The use of curse has been practiced by many cultures. Allow me to determine, with Spirit's help what type of curse or hex you have.  Upon determination, we will then ask Spirit the best way to remove it - all on the same reading with instructions if applicable if there are additional steps a clients needs to do for period of time if that's the case.  I may be running 10/15 min behind schedule at times depending on how busy I get with readings. Thank you for your patience.
8.  CHAKRA CLEANSING, ALIGNMENT and HEALING.  (This service is a supplement to existing medical treatments -.it does NOT replace them). TYou our chakras govern all areas of your life: relationships, weight loss, stress, career, self-esteem, love, spiritual progress, and everything else. When they are in balance, you are in balance, and your whole being is lighter, freer, healthier, and happier. This service will go through an initial reading of what the client is going through (10 min max). 15 to 20 minutes of Chakra reading, 10 min of Chakra healing and alignment through sound therapy (Tibetan sound bow), burning white sage, shaking of healing stones, light from a blessed burning white candle, and guided meditation with visualization to re-start and re-energize the chakras to include with a closing reading of what your guides need for you to know, what you need to do, and where you're headed after having gone through session.  Highly recommended for those experiencing negativity and spiritual blockages. I may be running 10/15 min behind schedule at times depending on how busy I get with readings. Thank you for your patience.
9.  NEGATIVE ENERGY/EVIL SPIRIT REMOVAL.  Negative Energy such as Evil Spirits and Demonic spirits have been co-existing with us on the Earthly plane all around the world since the beginning of time. They are here to impact us in a negative way from subtle ways ranging from depression and/or anxiety to as extreme as being tormented emotionally/psychologically/mentally even physically.  These experiences or hauntings, occur for many reasons for we battle not again flesh & blood but with dark forces all around us from the most subtle to something very apparent.  Again, their impact varies from illness, depression, anxiety, anger, confusion, hallucination to even death.  These negative or 'evil' entities can be active all the time or from time to time or if dormant, is activated when they are disturbed (e.g., renovations, escavations, even trespassing, etc), . And they can cause things to move or break as well as appear before your very eyes.  These energies don't discriminate - they can affect anyone.  Allow me to determine or confirm, with Spirit's help what type of spirits you have and why it may be happening.  Upon determination, we will then ask Spirit the best way to remove it - all on the same reading with instructions if applicable if there are additional steps a clients needs to do for period of time if that's the case. This can be done at your place (if local in Florida – Miami or Tampa) or remotely. 


Payment Policy

All readings must be scheduled in advance.
Cost: $35.00 (USD)
Currently, ALL payments are via PAYPAL
I must have already received your PayPal payment confirmation before your scheduled reading.

Scheduling Readings

To Schedule your appointment, send email to:  orishareading@gmail.com

On Subject: Spiritual Reading

Typically all readings must be scheduled in advance. I need at least 10 to 15 minutes at the very least to prepare and transition for each reading.  Every single client of mine deserves this preparation. I need time to relax, meditate and spiritually prepare for each reading.  This will make it possible to spiritually connect with you and give you the insight you need to hear at that point in time. Just be aware that I cannot possibly see everything you may need to know in one session. You are, however, highly encourage to write down all your questions prior to each reading to make good use of your time.  Together we can make your reading as helpful and informative for you. And with you and Spirit's help may your reading be filled with the clarity and insight you need as well as answers to questions you may have.  


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