When was the last time you checked your energy system?
When was the last
time you checked your energy system?
I mean, we service our cars, our computers, our
appliances... we even change our water filters on a regular basis.
So, why wouldn't we give the same kind of attention and
care to our own energy systems?
Now, I know most people don't really think about their
energy as a "system" so, it's probably not something that's sitting
at the top of your to-do list...
But that's unfortunate , because even just a single
energy block is enough to cause big problems!
Also unfortunate is that, unlike your car, your energy
system doesn't come with a flashing red light to alert you when something is
amiss... no, when it comes to your energy ecosystem, you may not realize you
have a block until those big problems start to manifest.
And that seems a little counter-productive, don't you
I mean, why wait for the block to manifest when you can
just find it and clear it now?
Especially when it's so ridiculously EASY to find that
block and yes, we can show you how to clear it out too!
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TEMPLO BABAMI ( Casa Yourba ~ Centro
Espiritual )
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