What is a Spiritual Boveda

The Bóveda or Spirit Altar for Ancestors

The nine (9) glasses consists of:

1-      God ( El santisimo)
2-      Spiritual Guide
3-      African Powers
4-      The Gypsy Spirits
5-      Science
6-      Spirits of the Congos
7-      Spirits of The Indian Commissions
8-      Spirits of The Arabic Commission
9-      Family Members that have passed away ( CLOSE Relatives )

Note: In our Religion its important to always honor our ancestor and those who passed away and were very important in our life.
Note: Some houses will instruct 7 Cups
Note: We all have a spiritual guide.
This spirit will manifest as the spirit that is in charge, and will work with us, and other spirits that may walk within our spiritual circle.
Note: The table should be set up:
In a room where the table is by it self or somewhere in the house where it is private.

The table should be covered with a white table cloth.
The cup that is dedicated to God
(El Santisimo ), some place a crucifix in it.
You can place a separate crucifix for the table.


·       You can start off with one main glass for your spirits. Depending on the house a person may belong to, they may do the following:

·       9 glasses. One large glass dedicated to your spiritual guide,
the other 8 glasses dedicated to various spirits that walk with you.

·       When placing the glasses on the table, they may follow one of a few different formations:

·       The main glass in the middle, with the smaller glasses making a circle around the main glass,but there are many other types of formations used you can decide what best works for you.

·       A person should spend at least some time with the spirits on a daily basis, take 10-15 minutes a day to say your prayers.
·       And once a week you clean the table, and refill each glass with fresh water.

·       its good to light a 7 day white candle to give light and energy to the spirits.

********* You should only light the table when you are home***********

For More Information regarding this blog or  if you have any questions , please feel free to contact:

Paul – Omo Obatala
Espiritista ~ Santero

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