Cleanse Negativity From Your Body and Home

So Fresh and So Clean

It all begins with water ~

Water is one of the four classical elements honored in the Western Sacred Arts, the element of Water is also acknowledged and represented in many Asian and African traditions as well. Universally water is seen as an ideal element to work with in rituals concerned with healing, restoration, and cleansing. It is also commonly included in ceremonies designed to deepen an individual’s relationship to their intuition and inner knowing.

We can all feel the difference between a messy room and a clean room. Clutter, refuse, and objects that are not in their proper places create confusion, imbalance, and waste our time.  This is true for our physical lives as well as for our emotional and spiritual lives.  In our relationships, for example, we can see how continually bringing up issues from the past that need to be released and buried can damage the present.

Think of a clean kitchen. Maybe the kitchen is sparkling and spotless or maybe it is a little dingy around the corners but more or less clean.  Now imagine someone walking through that kitchen with mud on their feet, leaving their muddy footprints all over that clean kitchen floor. If this were really your kitchen what would you do?  Would you leave the muddy footprints where they are, ignoring them and hoping that they would go away?  Or would you get out the mop and go to work on them?

Most of us would not leave muddy footprints in our kitchens, but I am constantly surprised at how many folks refuse to clean up the muddy foot prints that have trekked all over their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. The problem of course is that one cannot take a bottle of pine-sol to the soul, so what can we do?

As we prepare to say good bye to 2017 and welcome in a New Year, now is the perfect time to consider what can we do to clean body ~ soul ~ mind.

Reflect on the Year 2017 :

Good Year ?
Bad Year?
Could have been better?
Peace and Harmony at home?
Our job – career going well ?

All these issue are part of body ~ soul ~ mind

We all seek advice; when we have a legal problem we seek a Lawyer , when we feel sick we seek a physician, tax problems we seek an account. Body ~ Soul ~ Mind consider a Spiritual Consultant or Spiritual Advisor.

Learn to understand why the negative energies are affecting our daily lives and how we can correct them.

Our inner self also has to be cleaned.

For more details, please feel free to contact me:

Paul – Omo Obatala
Espiritista ~ Santero

Articles , Information Offerings can be found on my Blog:  Orisha Reading

Twitter: @orishareading 

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