The Time Is Now

Today – The Time Is NOW As we get ready for the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, it is the perfect time to reflect. Yesterday is simply that, yesterday a day in history. As we grow older our time grows shorter. So, as we reflect on those dreams that we did not chase, maybe because of fear, we are tired, and we simply decide to accept. Well, it is time to get up, Stamp Your Feet, decide for that better tomorrow. Fight for your dreams. Tired of working for someone, a company where they get rich and you are not given the recognition for who you are. We as individuals have been given the greatest gift of all, the gift of CHOICE. You choose to stay or move on. However, do not choose to stay because of fear, tired or someone telling you “You cannot do it.” Reflect on the past two (2) years; · Could they have been different · Could I have made a difference · ...