
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Time Is Now

Today – The Time Is NOW As we get ready for the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, it is the perfect time to reflect. Yesterday is simply that, yesterday a day in history. As we grow older our time grows shorter. So, as we reflect on those dreams that we did not chase, maybe because of fear, we are tired, and we simply decide to accept. Well, it is time to get up, Stamp Your Feet, decide for that better tomorrow. Fight for your dreams. Tired of working for someone, a company where they get rich and you are not given the recognition for who you are. We as individuals have been given the greatest gift of all, the gift of CHOICE. You choose to stay or move on. However, do not choose to stay because of fear, tired or someone telling you “You cannot do it.” Reflect on the past two (2) years; ·        Could they have been different ·        Could I have made a difference ·   ...

Saint Clare ~ Santa Clara Claradora

Santa Clara  ~ Saint Clare A Prayer to Saint Clare The feast day of Saint Clare is celebrated on August 11. When offering a prayer to Saint Clare, light a stick of  Saint Clara Incense and sit somewhere peaceful. Try to clear your mind, focus on your breathing, and calm yourself. If you are working toward a specific goal, light an appropriately-colored candle dressed with Saint Clara Oil. When you are ready, say the following prayer: "O glorious Saint Clare! God has given you the power of working miracles continually, and the favor of answering the prayers of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress; we beseech you, obtain for us from Jesus, through Mary, His Blessed Mother, what we beg of you so fervently and hopefully, if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and for the good of our souls. Saint Clare Pray For Us Amen." Saint Clare is one of the most common Catholic saints called upon by rootworkers, li...

How Can We Seek Balance in Life?

How Can We Seek Balance in Life? Spirituality means something different to everyone. For some, it's about participating in organized religion: going to a church, synagogue, mosque, and so on. For others, it's more personal—some people get in touch with their spiritual side through private prayer, yoga, meditation, quiet reflection, or even long walks. Nature has its own balancing system. It is not that someone has to bring something to it or do something. It is done all the time, like the balancing system of our own body. Through the spiritual process of churning and changing, the soul comes to realize certain simple truths of life: that to hurt is to invite hurt, to love is to be loved, to give is the path to receive. Positive thoughts of light bring forth the materialization of happy events and the law of attraction is like the law of gravitation. Understanding our inner self is the key to success. Religion is part of this balance in life. Recent ...

Santeria Vocabulary ~ English

Santería Vocabulary English A aboricha.  Someone who is partially but not fully initiated into Santería. For example, a person who has received the warriors or an eleke from a godparent in a formal ceremony is an aboricha. achabbá. Metal charm bracelet or anklet with tools, machetes, keys and other pieces of metal hanging from it; sometimes worn by priests of Ogún. achó. A piece of cloth given to an Orichá as an offering, or used in a cleansing ritual. For example, achó funfún, white cloth, can be used to cover the head of a person who has had a rogación de cabeza. adimú.  Type of ebbó or offering made to the Orichas, consisting of raw or cooked foods.  Each Oricha has his or her favorite foods. ahijado/a.  Godchild in the Santería religion. ajá.  A broom made out of palm fibers traditionally used by Babalú Ayé. It sweeps away sickness and bad energy. aleyo.  An outsider to the religion. One who has not received the elekes or wa...

Añil / Blue Ball

El añil podemos utilizarlo tanto para purificar el entorno donde nos encontramos, como para purificarnos nosotros mismos.  En el primer caso deberemos diluirlo en agua y con un paño limpiar suelos, paredes y puertas, eliminando así energías negativas que hayan podido quedar estancadas allí. Para realizar una limpieza energética en nuestro cuerpo disolveremos una cucharada de polvo de añil en un litro de agua y añadiremos unas gotas (siempre en múltiplos de 7,.. 7, 14, 21, etc..) de Agua Bendita y Perfume/Colonia, y una vez nos hayamos duchado normalmente nos secaremos y nos echaremos por todo el cuerpo la mezcla realizada. A continuación rezaremos pidiendo por nuestra protección. ENGLISH There are so many different tools you can use in so many ways. Herbs, washes, candles. The list is endless. We’re going to focus on items we believe are essential that all spiritual households would benefit from having available. They are: Cologne / Perf...

Camphor and Its Uses

A strong resin used to remove negative spirits & energies, especially those specifically “thrown” or directed at you. It is a simple but strong resin that clears & removes almost all types of negative energies, vibrations & spirits. This item normally is burned on charcoal as an incense or used whole in a glass of water. To keep out negativity & evil, place a glass of water with 1 or 2 camphor blocks by the main door of your home or business. Refill the cup with water every week, once the camphor block dissolves, add more. Anil can also be added to this cup of water for added strength For more information and uses of Camphor, email us at :

Services ~ Spiritual Consultation ~ Consulta Espirirtual

Spiritual Consultation Not sure what direction you are heading in? Not sure which array of products are right for you? Our  spiritualists now offer readings via email, text message or telephone. Once your order is placed, you will be contacted to set up an appointment that is convenient for you. Now accepting Paypal If you have any question please email us at Consulta Espiritual No estas seguro de qué dirección se dirige ? ¿No estas  seguro qué gama de productos son adecuados para usted? Nuestros espiritistas  ahora ofrecen lecturas por correo electrónico, mensaje de texto o teléfono. Una vez que hagas su pedido, usted será contactado para hacer una cita conveniente para usted.  Ahora aceptando Paypal . Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta por favor escríbanos a

What is a Spiritual Boveda

The Bóveda or Spirit Altar for Ancestors The nine (9) glasses consists of: 1-       God ( El santisimo) 2-       Spiritual Guide 3-       African Powers 4-       The Gypsy Spirits 5-       Science 6-       Spirits of the Congos 7-       Spirits of The Indian Commissions 8-       Spirits of The Arabic Commission 9-       Family Members that have passed away ( CLOSE Relatives ) Note: In our Religion its important to always honor our ancestor and those who passed away and were very important in our life. Note: Some houses will instruct 7 Cups Note: We all have a spiritual guide. This spirit will manifest as the spirit that is in charge, and will work with us, and other spirits that may walk within our spiritual circle. Note: The t...

Asesor Espiritual

Tengo una naturaleza fuertemente aventurera. Así que,cuando era joven, ni siquiera existía en mí el hecho de que mi mente sopesase o cuestionase o razonase la conveniencia de ir aca o allá. No. Simplemente seguía los impulsos de mis deseos. ¡Y me sentía orgulloso de ser así! El humano al razonar trata de solucionarse a sí mismo, sino lo consigue entra en crisis existencial. No somos inmortales, ni la ciencia ni la religión nos harán en nuestro presente saber qué hay después. Lo que es cierto es que la espiritualidad separándole de cualquier dogma es un estado de equilibrada conciencia. Has escuchado “mente sana, cuerpo sano”?, ese equilibrio es para mí el espíritu. Tener equilibrio es básico para vivir todos los días sin hacer daño a ti mismo o a los demás. El ser humano debe de entender los beneficios de vivir y comprender la vida espiritual. Mente Positiva Cómo es una asesoría espiritual? Una exploración de tu vida te permite darle la mejor dirección Para mas det...

Cleanse Negativity From Your Body and Home

So Fresh and So Clean It all begins with water ~ Water is one of the four classical elements honored in the Western Sacred Arts, the element of Water is also acknowledged and represented in many Asian and African traditions as well. Universally water is seen as an ideal element to work with in rituals concerned with healing, restoration, and cleansing. It is also commonly included in ceremonies designed to deepen an individual’s relationship to their intuition and inner knowing. We can all feel the difference between a messy room and a clean room. Clutter, refuse, and objects that are not in their proper places create confusion, imbalance, and waste our time.  This is true for our physical lives as well as for our emotional and spiritual lives.  In our relationships, for example, we can see how continually bringing up issues from the past that need to be released and buried can damage the present. Think of a clean kitchen. Maybe the kitchen is sparkling ...

November ~ Noviembre 2017

November ~ Noviembre 2017 A new month always comes with new challenges and purposes for us, it is my heart’s desire that you defeat all challenges and be successful not only in this month but all the years of your life. Happy New Month! Un nuevo mes siempre viene con nuevos retos y propósitos para nosotros, es deseo de mi corazón que derrotar a todos los retos y tener éxito no sólo en este mes sino todos los años de su vida. ¡Feliz nuevo mes!                                                               November /Noviembre DAY / DIA            English                                                        Spanish 1     ...