Orisha Reading ~ About Us English

Orisha Reading

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Santería, ( Spanish: “The Way of the Saints”) , also called La Regla de Ocha (Spanish: “The Order of the Orishas”) or La Religión Lucumí (Spanish: “The Order of Lucumí”), the most common name given to a religious tradition of African origin that was developed in Cuba and then spread throughout Latin America and the United States.

Santería was brought to Cuba by the people of the Yoruban nations of West Africa, who were enslaved in great numbers in the first decades of the 19th century. The name “Santería” derives from the correspondences made by some devotees between the Yoruba deities called orishas and the saints (santos) of Roman Catholic piety.

Topics:  ( Spanish & English )

·       Spiritual (Espiritismo)
·       Santeria


Our mission is to provide accessible, accurate information about Santería as a religion, in hopes of breaking down misconceptions and negative stereotypes. We believe in religious tolerance and respect for difference. We aim to inform and educate, not impose our system of beliefs on others. Education is a powerful tool, and you can use it to develop your own informed opinions based on factual knowledge by reading our online articles about Santería. We hope to answer questions you may have about the religion, and to make what many consider an esoteric or mysterious religion more comprehensible to all. At the same time, we hope to satisfy the spiritual needs of those who are approaching Santería in search of a connection to their higher self and the Divine.

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Contact:            Paul – Omo Obatala


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