Sage Cleansing

Sage Cleansing
Nickname: The Purifier

How to remove negative energy in your home, you ask? Sage is a sacred plant that has been used since ancient times. It’s known as a purifier. Burning it before each ritual helps to drive out negative energy and restore balance to a particular space. “Smudging” with sage is an ancient practice from Native American and other indigenous cultures. It’s a purifying “smoke bath” that can be used to cleanse a person, place, object, or space of negative energies or influences. When the smoke begins to melt away, it takes the unwanted energy with it. This can be lower vibrational energy, negative thoughts, or even words from an old argument still hanging in the air.

Many of us ask what sage is used for. Rather than give them the historical run down of ancient Greek and Native American ceremonial usages, we usually just say, “cleansing.” Burning sage, a practice also known as smudging,  is a quick and effective method for dusting off old energy that may have settled in your space. If your home feels heavy, stagnant or dirty even though it’s clean, you probably need to do an energy cleanse. It doesn’t mean that you have bad energy, it just means that your space could use a spiritual refresh.

Everyone who walks into your space brings energy with them, and because we can’t ask people to leave their negative vibes at the door, that energy gets in. As well, any kind of exertion (like arguments, exercise or work) that occurs in the space, will leave behind energy that, if not purified, will begin to clog the circulation of fresh energy. That’s why we always suggest regular saging to keep your space a high vibe haven.  

One of the oldest and most well-known herbs for energy cleansing, sage helps to enhance your intuition by neutralizing the energy of the space. This helps to relieve your stress + worries, open your mind, absolve negative thoughts and harmonize the body and spirit. Our Sage Cleansing Set will provides all of the tools you need to remove negative energy and create an environment filled with positive light.  

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