
Showing posts from December, 2017

Orisha Reading ~ Our Social Sites

Orisha Reading ~ Our Social Sites: FACEBOOK: Twitter: Blogger: Please Like US or Follow Us We also offer: Spiritual Readings  ~  Consultas Espirituales Diloggun Divination ~ Consultas con Diloggun ( Caracoles ) Contact Info: Paul Omo Obatala 305-975-1171

The Seven Chakras: Meaning and Symbols

The Seven Chakras: Meaning and Symbols ·        First, start by making sure you're in a quiet space. If you can't be right now, just return to this section of the article later. But if you can, sit quietly for a moment and take a few deep breaths. Let tension and stress slide away for just a moment.  Just be in the moment, with your body. ·        Now, bring your attention to the base of your spine, your tailbone, and imagine a bright spinning red light. Feel it pulsing and rotating with your breath.  Sit with that for a moment.  ·        Move your attention up your spine to the area a couple of inches below your belly button. Feel the warmth of a bright, orange spinning light. Again, notice how it moves with your breath. ·        Guide your attention further up to a couple inches above your belly button. You're probably...

End of Year 2017 (English Version)

End of Year Reading End of Year Reading / Consultation and Spiritual Cleanings to Receive The New Year. I hope you find yourself well in this holiday season. We arrived at the end of another year. How was 2017 for you this year? If you went through some difficulties, do not despair, with a spiritual reading and spiritual cleaning everything in its time returns to normal.  Keep your faith and certainty in God and your ability to solve problems. Remember all the times you managed to get ahead, even in spite of adversity.  Each year, I offer readings to help you balance your energy and most importantly the "how" to achieve your goals.  When you have the knowledge of how and what affects your energy. ·        Understanding your past ·        Knowing what is affecting your present; and ·        What is needed to make the New Year a successful, prosper...

Consulta Espiritual de Fin de Año 2017 ~ Español

Consulta Espiritual de Fin de Año 2017 Espero te encuentres bien en esta temporada navideña, ya llegamos al final de otro año. Cómo finaliza para ti este año? Si pasaste por algunas dificultades, no desesperes que todo a su tiempo vuelve a la normalidad.   Mantén tu fe y certeza en Dios y en tu capacidad de resolver los problemas. Recuerda todas las veces que lograste salir adelante, aún a pesar de las adversidades.   Cada año Familia de Luz les ofrezco herramientas a cada uno de ustedes que les ayudará a equilibrar su energía y lo más importante el “Cómo” lograr sus objetivos.   Cuando tu tienes el conocimiento de ¿Cómo está tu energía? ¿Cómo está tu presente? y ¿Cómo vibrarás el próximo año? tienes el poder de crear y de tener la información correcta para manifestar tu nueva realidad. Toda consulta se realizará previa cita. Una vez realizado el pago, confírmame el mismo y envíame tu nombre completo y fecha de nacimiento, para coordinar tu consul...

Day of The Candles ~ Dia De Las Velitas

Dia de Las Velitas  ~  The Day of Candles December / Diciembre 7 & 8 Background: English: El Día de Las Velitas (or The Day of the Candles)  is an event that takes place across Colombia every 7th of December. It is a sign of peace, community and family… And sometimes a party. The tradition started in the mid-1800s as a religious celebration honoring Mary. For about a century the celebration involved families getting together on the streets and starting bonfires. People would chant and pray, uniting Colombian settlements in religious worship.  I have liked this tradition and apply it as a Spiritual Cleaning.  We know that the colors of each candle has a meaning. I like to clean myself with each candle. Reflect on the past year and look forward to the New Year. Once this is complete light each candle one by one; first I give THANKS for all that has happened in the current year and thinking positive for the New Year. S...